Many ICF accredited coaching schools have their own coaching model and train their students specifically to that model.  At ICA, we felt that coaches in our global, multicultural student body would be better served by creating their own model.  This would mean that they undertake to understand the environment in which they work, their specific clientele as well as the nuances of themselves and how it impacts the work they choose to do.





A coaching model is a representation of your values, core practices, personal profile, philosophies, and beliefs related to your coaching work. It is a depiction that frames your  coaching process and makes visible the fundamental ideas about who you are as a practicing coach. While it can include your particular coaching process, it is often more than that - a visual portrayal of you and the work you do.


The process of creating your Coaching Model is not a linear one. You will probably go back and forward a few times before you settle on a model. Even then it is possible you will change it after you graduate. The important thing is to just create one, and not get overly significant. It is not locked in stone; you can always change it later.

When conducting research for your portfolio you might watch a video, read an article, listen to a podcast, revisit ICA modules, or even just browse the internet.  All are considered valuable resources for extending your learning or supporting the opinions or insights you are presenting. But, it's important that you don't over rely on 3rd party content, and you must always referencing it when including it.


Italiano +

La creazione del tuo modello di coaching è un processo personale, diverso per ogni coach in ogni contesto. È anche difficile separare il tuo modello dalla tua nicchia, dal tuo mercato e dal tuo modello di business. In altre parole, fattori come le PERSONE alle quali intendi fare coaching, PERCHÉ prevedi di poter far loro coaching e DOVE intendi far loro coaching avranno tutti un impatto sul tuo modello.

Anche il tuo background e le tue esperienze giocano un ruolo chiave sul tuo modello. Questo non vuol dire che devi fare coaching solo nella tua area di competenza, infatti molte persone che si rivolgono ad un/a coach lo fanno per cambiare lavoro o prendere una nuova direzione. Tuttavia sarebbe sciocco non dare il giusto valore alle conoscenze e competenze che porti con te.

Riflettendo su alcuni modelli di coaching degli studenti di ICA presenti sul blog, quali sono le differenze e le somiglianze tra di loro?


Your coaching portfolio is an opportunity for you to document and share your coaching knowledge and expertise. It is unique to you and communicates who you are as a coach, who you will coach, and the problems you solve.  Your work will be assessed for uniqueness.

When creating your power tool we encourage you to draw on your learning, reflections and third party research - but you must be careful to never plagiarise.  It's important that you don't over rely on 3rd party content, or inadvertently include other people's words, ideas or work without without referencing.

ICA runs all portfolio work through a checker such as Grammarly.  We encourage you to do the same prior to submission.

  • It's OK to research and refer to previous studies or content (make sure you reference)
  • It's OK to use images sourced from the internet (if you have the creator's permission)
  • It's not OK to cut / paste the work of others into your portfolio pieces
  • It's not OK to use trademarked images or models without permission.