
教练能力实践课旨在加深您对国际教练联盟 ICF 能力和 PCC 评估标准的理解。

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国际教练联盟 ICF 制定了一套核心教练能力,概述了专业教练在个人或小组/团队教练环境中所需要的技能和能力。这些能力共同构成了专业教练实践的全面框架,并指导教练与客户的互动,帮助他们实现有意义和可持续的学习成果。

什么是 ICF 核心能力? | What are the ICF Competencies? +

国际教练联盟 ICF 制定了一套核心教练能力,概述了专业教练所需的技能和能力。这些能力构成了专业教练实践的全面框架,并指导教练与客户的互动,帮助他们实现有意义且可持续的目标结果。这些能力都能够在 ICF 网站中以15种语言找到。

The International Coach Federation (ICF) has established a set of core coaching competencies that outline the skills and abilities required for professional coaching. These competencies form a comprehensive framework for professional coaching practice and guide coaches in their interactions with clients, helping them achieve meaningful and sustainable results. They are available via the ICF website in 15 languages.

什么是 ICF 评估标准? | What are ICF Markers? +

ICF 评估标准是用于评估和评价教练在进行教练学习和认证时的专业水平指标。衡量的评估标准会根据被评估的教练级别有所区分。教练级别分为 ACC (助理教练)、PCC(认证教练)或MCC(专家教练)。

The ICF Markers are specific indicators of coaching proficiency used to assess and evaluate coaches for the purpose of certification and credentialing.  They vary depending on the level of coaching being assessed. Coaches who competently demonstrate coaching at ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach) or MCC (Master Certified Coach) level are able to apply for the related credentials.

两者的相同和不同之处 | How are the Competencies and Markers the same, but different? +

核心能力和评估标准都是国际教练联盟 ICF 衡量教练学校和 ICF 自身用于衡量教练专业水平的框架。然而,它们服务于不同的目的,并提供不同程度的细节要求。

ICF 核心能力 - 用于学习和发展教练专业知识

ICF 能力概述了专业教练所需的一般技能和能力。这些能力提供了一个广泛的框架,指导教练在实践中的大致范围和要求。涵盖了建立信任、积极聆听、有力的提问和目标设定等领域。这些能力旨在全面覆盖专业教练所期待的总体技能和行为。

评估标准 - 评估教练专业知识的指标。

ICF 评估标准是每个能力内的具体指标或描述,进一步详细说明在不同教练专业水平上所期望的行为和技能。这些标准提供了更细致的指导,并帮助评估导师评估教练的专业水平和技能水平。作为确定教练是否在ACC、PCC或MCC级别表现的基准。

这些评估标准提供了教练应展示的行为、态度和方法的详细描述,以满足相应能力的期望。例如,在“积极聆听”的能力内,衡量标准可能包括如“展示专注且不分心的倾听”、“准确总结和反馈” 或“调整以理解客户的情感和潜在信息”等标准。

The ICF competencies and the ICF markers are both frameworks used by ICF Accredited schools and the ICF itself to determine coaching proficiency. However, they serve different purposes and provide different levels of detail.The ICF Competencies - for learning and developing coaching expertise 

The ICF competencies outline the general skills and abilities required for professional coaching. These competencies provide a broad framework that guides coaches in their practice. They cover areas such as establishing trust, active listening, powerful questioning, and goal setting. The competencies are meant to be comprehensive and encompass the overall skills and behaviors expected of a professional coach.

Markers - Indicators for assessing coaching expertise 

The ICF markers are specific indicators or descriptors within each competency that further elaborate on the expected behaviors and skills at different levels of coaching proficiency. The markers provide more granular guidance and help assessors evaluate a coach's proficiency and skill level. They serve as benchmarks for determining whether a coach is performing at the ACC, PCC or MCC level.

The markers provide detailed descriptions of the behaviors, attitudes, and approaches that a coach should demonstrate to meet the expectations of the respective competency. For example, within the competency of "Active Listening," the markers might include indicators such as "Demonstrates attentive and non-distracted listening," "Summarizes and reflects accurately," or "Tunes in to the client's emotions and underlying messages."

避免使用行话和陈词滥调…… | Avoid Jargon and Cliches... +

在不将 ICF 核心能力简化为仅简单勾选中使用,涉及到采用更全面的教练方法。与其将能力视为刻板的要求,不如将它们视为指导原则,这些原则指导您与客户的互动和支持方式。


1. 使用术语语言
2. 使用陈词烂调、过于简单化或重复性短语
3. 缺乏连接或真实性

Using the ICF competencies without turning them into a mere tick-box exercise involves adopting a more holistic and organic approach to coaching. Rather than viewing the competencies as rigid requirements, consider them as guiding principles that inform the way you interact with and support your clients.

The light hearted video below might seem over the top, but there is a kernel of truth underlying the humour.  The 3 biggest mistakes we see coaches make are

1. Using jargonistic language
2. Using cliches, overly-simplistic, or repetitive phrases
3. Not being connected or authentic



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学习任务 一: 完成同侪观察工作簿


Use the worksheet below, observe the use of the ICF competencies, or note when a competency is not present, or you feel is not performed competently. Use these observations to strengthen and fine tune your own coaching practice.

  • 使用 同侪观察员工作簿 记录同侪和导师示范中ICF能力的使用情况。利用这一学习,进一步调整和发展您自身的教练专长。

学习任务 二:完成ICF 核心能力及评分标准测验



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